If you're on a tight budget, you may want to consider buying a used car. Just make sure you know what you're getting yourself into and be prepared to haggle with the dealer. In the end, it's always worth it to get a good deal on a car that you'll be using for years to come.

There are several reasons why used cars are expensive these days. To begin with, the demand for used cars is high, while the supply is low. This is because a lot of people are now preferring to buy used cars instead of new ones. Secondly, most people who own used cars are not willing to sell them at a lower price because they know that there is a high demand for them. Finally, most dealerships are selling their used cars at a higher price in order to make a profit.

All of these factors have caused the prices of used cars to increase significantly in recent years. If you're looking for a good deal on a used car, you'll need to be patient and wait for the right opportunity. Keep in mind that the prices of used cars can vary significantly from one used auto dealership in Kenya to the next, so it's important to do your research before making a purchase.

Tips to Buy Cars at Cheap Rates


* Buy cars at the end of the month, when dealers are trying to meet their targets

* Purchase cars with low mileage. For example, if you buy a car that has traveled 5,000 miles per year (or 30,000miles over its lifetime), it's likely cheaper than one that has traveled 10,000 miles per year (or 60,000miles over its lifetime). This is because the internal components of the latter may need replacing sooner than they would be in the former.

* Make sure you know how to drive a manual transmission before buying an automatic car. Manual transmission cars usually sell for less money. In addition, some companies offer discounts on their insurance policies for certain types of used vehicles. However, it should be noted that the insurance discounts available for manual transmission cars are gradually decreasing as their popularity increases.

* Look for seized or repossessed cars. These cars are usually sold at a much lower price than regular used cars.

* Compare prices between different dealerships before making a purchase. This will help you to get the best deal possible on a used car.

Remember, buying a used car can be a daunting task, but it's always worth it in the end to get a good deal on a car that you'll be using for years to come. So take your time, do your research, and be prepared to haggle with the dealer. You'll soon be driving around in your very own used car.