SUVs vs Hatchbacks: What’s the Difference?

The main difference between an SUV and a hatchback is that SUVs are designed for off-road use, while hatchbacks are not. SUVs typically have higher ground clearance and a more rugged appearance than hatchbacks. They also offer more cargo space, thanks to their larger size.

Hatchbacks, on the other hand, are typically smaller and more fuel-efficient than SUVs. They also provide more passenger space than most SUVs. In addition, hatchbacks are generally less expensive than SUVs.

If you're in Kenya and looking for a used SUV, or hatchback then you should definitely look at some online auctions, or a used cars seller in Kenya, SBT KENYA

Which vehicle is right for you depends on your needs and lifestyle? If you need a vehicle that can handle rough terrain, an SUV is the best option. If you're looking for a smaller, more fuel-efficient car, a hatchback is a good choice.

When deciding which type of vehicle to buy, it's important to consider your needs and lifestyle. If you're not sure which type of car is right for you, consult with a trusted automotive expert. They can help you find the best vehicle for your needs and budget.